Presenting leadership of educational change in higher education as a dynamic, collaborative, and evolving area, Delivering Educational Change in Higher Education provides rich examples of how new ways of working are being adopted and adapted. It brings together leaders and practitioners, as authors and readers, to share their experiences of whole organisational change.
Across the chapters, common threads highlight the importance of organisational context, of shared or distributed leadership, and the critical need for continuous learning in and on action by reflective readers. Linking case studies to a range of practical models and theories, this book:
Explores established paradigms and models of change management and leadership.
Offers examples from a diverse range of institutional contexts.
Models critical reflective practice in the leadership of educational change.
Addresses the future of educational developers working collaboratively with an increasingly diverse higher education workforce.
Providing rare insights into ‘the what’ and ‘the how’ of change management and leadership, this book will be of interest to senior managers, educators, programme leaders, and educational developers who are all working in collaborative ways to enact positive change for student learning and experience.