Come along on an adventurous springtime journey with the world's most beloved bunny, Peter Rabbit, in The Classic Tale of Peter Rabbit and Other Cherished Stories. Join Peter and his animal friends in this childhood classic. This beautiful hardcover edition features illustrations by award winning artist, Charles Santore.
Valuable lessons can be learned from the mischievous Peter Rabbit as he ignores his mother’s warning about Mr. McGregor and his vegetable garden. As Peter gets into trouble, he’ll have to ask for help to find a way home. Explore the other characters in Beatrix Potter’s enchanted world with several other stories about Peter’s animal friends. These timeless children’s classics provide kids with tales about values, morals, and virtue.
This Classic hardcover edition features:
A beautifully designed jacketed hardcover
A large four-page foldout opens to 46 inches and brings this story to life for little ones
Other classic tales by Beatrix Potter included are: The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher, The Tale of Benjamin Bunny, The Tale of Two Bad Mice, and The Tale of The Flopsy Bunnies
Illustrations by renowned, New York Times #1 Bestselling artist Charles Santore
The Classic Tale of Peter Rabbit and Other Cherished Stories:
Makes a great gift for baby showers, spring holidays such as Easter, Mother’s day, or birthdays
Is perfect for family and bedtime reading, or preschool lessons
A wonderful classic to add to family collections
The critically-acclaimed illustrator, Charles Santore, has been celebrated with recognitions such as the prestigious Hamilton King Award, the Society of Illustrators Award of Excellence, and the Original Art 2000 Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators. He is best known for his luminous interpretations of classic children’s stories, including The Night Before Christmas, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Aesop's Fables, The Little Mermaid, Snow White, The Velveteen Rabbit, The Wizard of Oz, and more!
Illustrated by: Charles Santore