Northman, eldest son of Ealdorman Leofwine, fostered, at the King's insistence, by Eadric of Mercia, finds himself caught between loyalty to his father and his foster father.
Fighting for his own sense of self, whilst Viking raiders vie for the English King's land, he must chose his own path, and hold true to his own belief's amongst murky Court politics and bitter pitched battles.
Leofwine, Ealdorman of the Hwicce, must accept his King's wishes with regards to his eldest son, even though he finds them abhorrent. Simultaneously he must continue to act in the best interests of his King as the English people face their direst threat yet, the raiding of Thorkell the Tall, the King of Denmark's own Commander, trusted friend and foster-father of his son, Cnut.
And when events become even more dire, will father and son act as one, or will they be torn apart by the machinations of the man who plots to undermine every action the King takes, Ealdorman Eadric?