Hope and Solidarity - Jon Sobrino's Challenge to Christian Theology
Jesuit theologian Jon Sobrino has worked in El Salvador for more than fifty years. With his Christology at the Crossroads, he emerged as one of the original proponents of liberation theology. Since then, his many books have reflected on the gospel from the perspective of the poor - in particular, the suffering people of El Salvador. Much of his most powerful writing has drawn on the witness of Archbishop Oscar Romero and the other martyrs of El Salvador, including Ignacio Ellacuria and other members of Sobrino's Jesuit community, murdered in 1989. In 2006 the Vatican issued a Notification critical of aspects of Sobrino's work. That event has inspired this collection of essays by a range of leading Catholic theologians, assessing Sobrino's contributions and his challenge in the areas of Christology, ecclesiology, moral theology, and spirituality.