In the first book to uniquely focus on the Beatitudes and fatherhood, Popcak helps you stop focusing on yourself and
instead focus on God, learning how to be the father God wants you to be by becoming a servant leader in your home.
As a father of three children, Popcak realized that Jesus' call to be humble in the first Beatitude-Blessed are the poor in spirit-stands in direct opposition to what modern men learn growing up. Instead, they are taught they should live a life of unbroken success, defined by promotions at work and beautiful wives and honor students at home.
Popcak shows that when you practice meekness, you will connect with your family by asking questions and listening closely to their responses. By practicing mercy, you come to know your own sins, the difficulties that lie on the path to sainthood, and how your family needs to hear about God's grace in their lives.
In BeDADitudes, you discover the profound love of God found in the Beatitudes and understand how that love can transform you into being an awesome dad.