Getting from Point A – where you are now – to Point B – where you want to be – is not always easy. It’s not always easy to even know what Point B is, what real success in your life would look like!
It’s also not rocket science, and you don’t have to be a scholar to make it in this world. What you do have to be is a Hustler. You have to have the ability to put others first, set aside your ego, work through tough times, be thoughtful, be honest, and give people the benefit of the doubt as you would give yourself. This is not complicated stuff, but this is the stuff that creates winners.
More than just a motivational message, The Hustler’s Handbook guides you through concrete steps and actionable changes you can make to set yourself on the path to success – through what it really means to HUSTLE:
• Helping others get what they want
• Under-promise and over-deliver
• Sacrifice
• Take chances
• Listen more, talk less
• Expect the best out of people
These practices can’t just happen every now and then. This has to be a consistent action that becomes part of you. Stop waiting for the “right moment.” Learn to set real goals, to get rid of the bad thinking that holds you back, to break out of the cycle of mediocrity, to defeat laziness.
The time to start is now. Life is no dress rehearsal, so let’s go to work!