Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 1 - Poles and Jews: Renewing the Dialogue
In this volume of Polin, scholars from the fields of history, sociology, politics, anthropology, linguistics, literature, and folklore explore central themes in Jewish and European history. Launching what was to become a comprehensive and vigorous forum for discussion of all aspects of the Jewish experience in Poland, this first volume established the pattern of bringing together work by established and younger scholars from many countries.
CONTRIBUTORS: Israel Bartal, Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, David Biale, Jan Blonski, Alina Cala, Andrzej Chojnowski, David Engel, Jozef Garlinski, Jacob Goldberg, Gershon David Hundert, John D. Klier, Moshe Mishkinsky, Magdalena Opalski, M. J. Rosman, Rafael Scharf, Robert M. Seltzer, Chone Shmeruk, Jerzy Tomaszewski, Paul Wexler, Steven J. Zipperstein.