The growth in popularity of qualitative research in the social sciences over the last two decades has been nothing short of amazing. Qualitative Approaches to Criminal Justice: Perspectives from the Field reveals some of the reasons for the success and stature of this unique methodological approach.
Exploring the real life experiences of criminal justice professionals, this anthology is the first book to focus solely on the use of qualitative research in various components of the criminal justice system. The collection is organized from two criminal justice perspectives: one qualitatively oriented and the other system oriented, including overviews of each qualitative method and commentaries that analyze the research techniques. Case studies illustrating actual fieldwork practices bring theory vividly to life.
Qualitative Approaches to Criminal Justice: Perspectives from the Field is multi-faceted in both its content and application. Through its investigative techniques, which rely mainly on observations, participant observation, and open-ended interviews, qualitative research reveals parts of the social world that remain hidden to more traditional methodological techniques.
Recommended as a companion to an administration of criminal justice course as well as courses in qualitative research in criminal justice. Also recommended as a supplemental text for any research methods course in a criminal justice degree program including sociology, political science, and legal studies.