A Critical Companion to Terry Gilliam provides a fresh, up-to-date exploration of the director’s films and artistic practices, ranging from his first film Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) up until his recently released and latest film The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2018). This volume presents Gilliam as a director whose films weave an avant-garde cinematic style, imaginative exaggeration, and social critique together. Consequently, while his films can seem artistically chaotic and can, thus, have the effect of frustrating and upsetting the viewer, the essays in this volume show that this is part of a very disciplined creative plan to achieve the defamiliarization of various accepted notions of human and social life.
Contributions by: Ian Bekker, Chris Broodryk, Michael Charlton, Jonathan Fruoco, Andrew Grossman, Ulrich Meurer, Garreth O’Brien, Sabine Planka, Ivy Roberts, David Robinson, Philip van der Merwe, Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr.
Afterword by: Karen Randell