Utta Drivel is a comic novel that follows the lives of laid-back entrepreneur Wilfric and his two friends. Wilfric is 1600-odd years-old, which gives him a unique view of history. His get-togethers with walking disaster Boothroyd and eccentric patriot Utta Drivel always involve much laughter. Their lives cover a wide spectrum. From an Israeli landscape painter by the name of Mori Arty to the use of bonsai whales in garden ponds. From a na ve Catholic priest called Father Thousands to EU regulations requiring French windows to be made in France. From a Middle-aged Folk's Home to a conman called Big One O'Really. And whether funfairs are just a chance for 13-year-old girls to meet gypsies. As life goes by, Wilfric increasingly feels he is being watched. He eventually discovers who by, but not why. That is only resolved when they try to intercept him, resulting in an exciting canal barge chase. An audaciously satirical work in which the author's wit will make you laugh out loud.