The Empedoclean Kosmos - Structure, Process and the Question of Cyclicity. Part 1: Papers
Papers from the Symposium Philosophiae Antiquae Tertium Myconense held in Mykonos, 6th - 13th July 2003. The theme was Empedocles' conception of Kosmos , and contributors look at his theory on the foundation, order, and development of the world; a basic reassessment of the Cosmic Cycle; the physical, metaphysical and religious dimensions of his theory; and the substantial new piece of Empedoclean evidence provided by the Strasbourg Papyrus.
Contributors: Sir Anthony Kenny; Glenn Most; Jean Bollack; Rene Nuenlist; Richard Janko; Patricia Curd; Richard McKirahan; Apostolos Pierris; Daniel Graham; Oliver Primavesi; Andre Laks; Catherine Osborne; Angelo Tonelli; David Sedley; Laura Gemelli-Marciano.