A celebration of Dartmoor's tors fantastical yet natural outcrops of rock that have captivated imaginations for centuries Dartmoor's Wild Tors is more than just a guide to these fabled granite stacks. Blending stunning original artwork with personal reflection, local legends and historical insight , this original new book offers an immersive take on 28 of these iconic Devon landforms. Millions of years old, the tors have long drawn artists, archaeologists and geologists; Victorian antiquarians believed them to be 'rock idols' worshipped by Druids, while Bronze Age people built ceremonial stone rows aligned to their majesty. Others come simply to hike around these mysterious monoliths, enjoying their untamed moorland setting, in Britain's first National Park. Journey through time and place with this book as your guide, exploring why these 'rock idols' garner such enduring fascination. Climb to the dramatic heights of Bench Tor, where the River Dart carves its way through the valley below. Explore the twin tors of Blackingstone Rock and Heltor, linked by legend as well as geography. Stand where medieval tin miners once held parliament at Crockern Tor (and where the spirit of 'Old Crockern' still inspires). Or stride out to experience the haunting beauty of the Dewerstone, its sheer cliffs rising above the River Plym, shrouded in myth and cloaked in Devon rainforest. Whether you're a hiker, swimmer, botanist or poet, this book will inspire you to experience this mesmerisingly wild corner of southern England anew.