This book is designed to provide readily accessible, clear and concise information. It has an easy-to-follow structure. It is divided into chapters based on anatomical regions with comprehensive coverage of the relevant anatomy and pathology for these regions. Each chapter includes details of the radiological features of the various diseases listed, together with relevant differential diagnoses and complications, and each also contains a section on paediatric anatomy and pathology.
The concept of the book can be summarised as follows:
A concise yet comprehensive manual
A practical companion for radiology residents and consultants
The text focuses on commonly encountered pathologies, but also refers to rarer conditions that need to be considered in the differential diagnosis
Information is presented in a systematic and practical manner, so as to facilitate quick reference and reporting
Each chapter follows the same format to make cross-referencing easy
Disease-specific reporting checklists are presented in a bullet format
The book has three main aims:
Learning: for radiology training
Review: for Board and College examinations
Reference: for daily routine
and will therefore be an invaluable guide for all radiologists.