Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology: Volume 9 was first published in 1975.This ninth volume in the series of Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology is based on material from the papers given at the 1974 symposium sponsored by the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota. Anne D. Pick, the editor, is Professor Emerita at the Institute. She writes an introduction to the volume.There are six chapters by nine contributors from various universities and other institutions. The first chapter, which deals with aspects of competence in language development, is by three member of the program in developmental psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University: Lois Bloom, Peggy Miller, and Lois Hood. Leo Ganz of the Stanford University department of psychology contributes the second chapter, "Conjunctive Neural Gating as a Mechanism Mediating the Development of Object Recognition."Chapter 3, "The Effects of Television Content on Young Children," is by Aletha Huston Stein, associate professor of human development at Pennsylvania State University, and Lynette Kohn Friedrich, director of the Social Development Curriculum Project at State College, Pennsylvania. Alfred Steinschneider, associate professor of pediatrics at the Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, New York, contributes a chapter on the implications of the sudden infant death syndrome for the study of sleep in infancy. Tom Trabasso, professor of psychology at Princeton University, is the author of Chapter 5, "Representation, Memory, and Reasoning: How Do We Make Transitive Inferences?" The final chapter, "Another Perspective on Social Cognition," is by James Youniss, professor of psychology at the Boys Town Center for the Study of Youth Development, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.