Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology: Volume 8 was first published in 1974.This eighth volume in the continuing series of publications based on papers given at the annual Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology makes available the material from the sessions of the 1973 symposium. The symposia are sponsored by the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota. Anne D. Pick, the volume editor, who is Professor Emerita at the Institute, writes an introduction.This volume contains six chapters by nine contributors from various universities and institutions, on subjects ranging from infant care in the East African highlands to recent advances in punishment, discipline, and self-control; from comparisons of the utterances of children with those of a chimpanzee to the implications of trends in perceptual development for the reading process.The contributors and their affiliations are Professor Beatrice T. Gardner, Department of Psychology, University of Nevada; Professor Allen Gardner, Department of Psychology, University of Nevada; Professor Eleanor J. Gibson, Department of Psychology, Cornell University; Professor I. I. Gottesman, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota; Professor P. Herbert Leiderman, Stanford University School of Medicine; Professor Gloria F. Leiderman, Peninsula Children's Center and Stanford University School of Medicine; Dr. Ross D. Parke, Social Development Section, Fels Research Institute, Yellow Springs, Ohio; Professor David Zeaman, Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut; Professor Betty J. House, Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut.