The third in the Eternal Life trilogy, You are History: The Soul, The Higher Self, and our Share of Divinity continues Gordon's musings from the physical and astral plane. Along the way, past, present, future lives are explored, as are our Higher Selves, sex, death and God consciousness. "When you begin to see that your religion is no more right than anyone else's and your tribe no more righteous than another, then you are on the long and winding road back to us" Gordon's Higher Self informs us, continuing: "Power and status on Earth, born of deprivation and pain, pleasure and fulfillment in your choice of Paradise, prolonged punishment in the dark valleys of hell, hard won redemption and devoted service, all are the perfected mirrors of illusion, crafted by infinitely clever and creative desire. The radiant light lies outside these incriminating adventures, patiently awaiting your re-entry". You Are History is a valuable addition to any spiritual truthseeker's library.