Appropriate for undergraduate management or introduction to business courses, as well as senior-level strategy and MBA short courses. Threshold Competitor is a Windows-based business management program that simulates the workings of a small business. Threshold Competitor provides students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of business concepts in a competitive, but safe environment.
- Team Version. Working in groups, students make the decisions needed to run small manufacturing business. Each group manages a separate company which is in competition with other group-managed companies in the same marketplace.
- Solo Version. Threshold Solo Competitor is a play-alone version that allows students to play the game by themselves, at their own pace. Students make decisions in Solo Competitor that are identical to those found in Team Competitor. However, rather than compete against other student-managed companies, Solo Competitor uses expert logic to create a competitive environment that places students in competition with 15 semi-intelligent companies managed by the computer. If students perform poorly against the computer competitors, they can stop playing the current setup and start a new competition quickly and easily. Since administration by the instructor is minimal Solo Competitor works well for large classes. It can also be used for distance learning courses. (Students can send their results to instructors as an e-mail attachment.).
- Team and Solo Combined Version. This combined package allows students to compete in a dynamic team-based environment, and also to work individually against the computer. Instructors can also use the Solo Version as an assessment tool to test the understanding of individual students.