This significantly updated and expanded new edition presents the scientific foundations of inhalation research essential to the design and conduct of toxicologic studies. It incorporates the major advances that have been made in the field, including recent advances in biology and the rapidly increasing global concerns and studies on particulate air pollution.
The Second Edition was motivated by:
new developments in the ultrafine particle health effects and concentrated aerosol research
advances in understanding postnatal lung growth and the deposition and clearance of inhaled particles
new techniques in toxicity testing
the explosion of knowledge in the genetic and molecular realms
the introduction of a large number of transgenic animal models
updated ethical guidelines for animal testing
the emergence of aerosol medicine
the growing threat of aerosol-related terrorism
increased appreciation of nonpulmonary effects of inhaled substances
use of medical scanning techniques to study respiratory tract structure
the introduction of new inhalation exposure systems
the emergence of aerosol concentrators for use in air pollution studies