Because early learning is so powerful, we all easily and happily remember Nursery Rhyme lyrics. Although the old lyrics ENTERTAIN, they do little to EDUCATE. Researchers agree and common-sense indicates that finding success and happiness involves figuring out some of life's most important questions: DO YOU (and your children). .Survive or Thrive? .Berate or Educate? .Resolve or Revolve Conflict? .see with Optimism or Pessimism? .enjoy the Process, the Outcome, or Both? .have Deep or Superficial Relationships? .know your Values & Goals? .stay Effective or get Burned-out? .stay Stagnant or become Creative? .live in the Past, Present, or Future? .Appreciate or Take for Granted? In "Tales with Rhyme and Reason" the sister & brother characters "Rhyme & Reason" bring brilliant and meaningful new stories and lyrics to classic Nursery Rhymes to create "Tunes You Remember, With Words You Should Never Forget!" It is our hope that with these 18 Sing-Along-Story-Songs you AND your child will GROW (and GROW TOGETHER)!