In 1923, Alicia Martinez, living with Los Angeles oil millionaires, is thrilled to be cast in "Revenge of the Aztecs," an epic film being produced in Hollywood by her best friend's father. When idols topple, rocks roll down hilss, and other mysterious events occur, Alicia must find out if these happenings are just accidnets or if she is the target of a criminal plan that threatens the completion of the movie as well as her safety. If they are not accidents, who is behind them? Could it be someone Alicia has loved and trusted for years? And if it is, can Alicia ever trust again?<P>
Jamestown's American Portraits explores the growth of different generations and cultures through the lives of young boys and girls. These titles are told from a diverse group of boys and girls, coming from different and unique backgrounds that represent America's own diverse population, spanning from the Jamestown Settlement to the Civil Rights Movement.
Titles in this series:
<P>- This Generation of Americans: A Story of the Civil Rights Movement, by Fredrick L. McKissack, Jr.
<P>- The Road to Freedom: A Story of the Reconstruction, by Jabari Asim
<P>- All For Texas: A Story of Texas Liberation, by G. Clifton Wisler
<P>- The Worst of Times: A Story of the Great Depression, by James Lincoln Collier
<P>- Wind on the River: A Story of the Civil War, by Laurie Lawlor
<P>- When I Dream of Heaven: Angelina's Story, by Steven Kroll (1895 Italian Immigrant in NYC)
<P>- An Eye for an Eye: A Story of the Revolutionary War, by Peter and Connie Roop
<P>- Sweet America: An Immigrant's Story, by Steven Kroll
<P>- The Corn Raid: A Story of the Jamestown Settlement, by James LincolnCollier
<P>- Revenge of the Aztecs: A Story of 1920s Hollywood, by Susan Beth Pfeffer
<P>- To Touch the Stars: A Story of World War II, by Karen Zeinert