Today, citizens advocate greater environmental sustainability, better services and the improvement of urban quality by promoting safer mobility, especially for the most vulnerable road users. Addressing these issues, Town and Infrastructure Planning for Safety and Urban Quality contains papers presented at the XXIII International Conference “Living and Walking in Cities” (Brescia, Italy, 15-16 June 2017). The contributions discuss town planning issues, look at best practices and research findings across the broad spectrum of urban and transport planning, with particular attention to the safety of pedestrians in the city. The main topics of the book are:
- Urban regeneration. A focus on walkability (vulnerable road users; boosting and planning soft mobility)
- Road safety and urban planning - vulnerable road users: planning for safety (integrated land use and transport planning; methodological approaches and case studies; integrated tools for town and transport planning; shaping public spaces and walkability; transport solutions for tourism)
- Innovative and traditional solutions for Italian cities
- Extra-European approaches to town and infrastructure planning
- Different perspectives in road safety: prevention, infrastructure, sharing
- Advances in road safety
Town and Infrastructure Planning for Safety and Urban Quality is a powerful plea for a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive approach to urban mobility and planning, and will be of interest to academics, consultants and practitioners interested in these areas.