Elaine Petrone, a former dancer who created the original Miracle Ball Method to heal herself after suffering a career-ending injury, developed The Miracle Ball Method for Pregnancy after her own high-risk pregnancy with twins. A complete kit containing two squishy miracle balls and a fully illustrated instruction book, the Miracle Ball Method works because it's the un-exercise: muscles relax and become supple enough to allow the body to realign and reshape. The programme starts with how to breathe properly, and why focusing on exhalation strengthens the diaphragm and relieves anxiety and fatigue. There are movements for specific problem areas - Neck on the Ball, the Rib Cage Side Stretch - and whole-body moves like Standing Body Hang Over. There are also variations to use in later months, when it's no longer advised to lie flat on your back. The final exercises help reshape the body after birth, plus address labour, breastfeeding, and carrying a new baby around, now on the outside.