iGenetics: A Molecular Approach reflects the dynamic nature of modern genetics by emphasizing an experimental, inquiry-based approach with a solid treatment of many research experiments. The text is ideally suited for students who have had some background in biology and chemistry and who are interested in learning the central concepts of genetics.
Neil Campbell and Jane Reece's BIOLOGY remains unsurpassed as the most successful majors biology textbook in the world. This text has invited more than 4 million students into the study of this dynamic and essential discipline.
Also includes:
// [start] RFS 78043 : 02-May-2005 : function for redirecting user to MArketing Page /* [start] RFS 92178: vikram: 21-June-2005: Fixed the dropdown bug. Previously on clicking the annotation link, SMP page was selected in the dropdown,*/ // [start] RFS 118104 : 06-Feb-2006 : Modified the below function. function goToEditMarketing(val) { if(val!=1){ document.frmMktgSubmit.action = document.frmMktgSubmit.action + '#ANO'; } document.frmMktgSubmit.submit(); } // [end] RFS 118104 : 06-Feb-2006 : Modified the below function. // [end] RFS 92178: vikram: 21-June-2005: Fixed the dropdown bug. Previously on clicking the annotation link, SMP page was selected in the dropdown, // [end] RFS 78043 : 02-May-2005 : function for redirecting user to MArketing Page
CourseCompass with E-book Student Access Kit for Biology