Complete instructional guidance and illustrative practice aids enabling auditors and accountants to perform audits, reviews, and compilations
Small practitioners need instructional guidance, illustrative practice aids and documentation for performing smaller accounting and auditing engagements. Performing Audits, Reviews, and Compilations for Entities Using the AICPA's FRF for SMEs provides a cost efficient approach to smaller engagements for increasing both engagement and firm profitability. * Practical approaches to performing small audits, compilations, and review engagements * Provides cost-efficient ways to perform accounting and auditing engagements * Includes practice aids, illustrative forms, sample correspondence, checklists, and working papers
Get complete guidance and instructions to successfully complete smaller audit, review and compilation engagements for entities using the AICPA's Financial Reporting Framework for Small and Medium-Size Entities with the proven guidance found in Performing Audits, Reviews, and Compilations for Entities Using the AICPA's FRF for SMEs.