With substantial revisions reflecting new research and changes in society, the fifth edition of The Dynamics of Persuasion introduces students to major theories of persuasion and attitudes, using theory as the key to unlock the mysteries of contemporary social influence. Organized in terms of major concepts, issues, and persuasion contexts, the book offers a lucid introduction to the body of scholarly knowledge on persuasion, up-to-date examples of persuasion in real life, and a thorough discussion of the ethics of persuasion in contemporary society.
This package includes a free one-year subscription to an enhanced Interactive eTextbook, complete with author-narrated chapter synopses, videos, exercises, flashcards, and more resources for instructors and students.
Key features of the interactive e-textbook:
* Anytime, anywhere access via VitalSource's Bookshelf; the most used eTextbook platform in the world
* End-of-chapter interactive exercises; multiple-choice exercises to encourage students to test their understanding of the key concepts
* Audio chapter introductions from the author
* Note taking and sharing functionalities
* Clickable definitions for key terms
* Hyperlinked further reading with links to key websites selected by the author
* A full color version of the text.
Available Instructor Resources:
* An instructor manual
* An image bank drawn from the text
* A video playlist with complementary discussion questions
* Chapter-by-chapter slides which instructors can adapt and integrate with their teaching
* Web links to useful websites and further reading
Visit RoutledgeInteractive.com where instructors can register to access the instructor resources for free.