CD / Album
1. Recitativo: While Corydon, the lonely shepherd...
2. Aria: Gay charmer, to befriend thee...
3. Recitativo: The Shepherd rose, he gaz'd around...
4. Aria: Who, from Love his Heart securing...
5. A Ground by Mr. Finger
6. (Aria): Love frowns in Beauteous Myra's Eyes...
7. Recitativo: Mark how when sullen Clouds appear...
8. Aria: Love and the graces smiling...
9. First Movement: Vivace
10. Recitativo: Cleora sat beneath a Shade...
11. Air: Sure time and Love are both a sleep...
12. Recitativo: Dorus wing'd with Swift desire...
13. Aria: Fly Care and Anguish far away...
14. Grave
15. Allegro
16. Vivace
17. Recitativo: When Loves soft passion had usurp'd my breast...
18. Aria: O Love thou know'st my anguish...
19. Recitativo: The God of Love who hear'd my pray'r...
20. Aria: Why shou'd I Love the fair that fly's me...
21. Air 41: If Love's a sweet Passion
22. Morlake Ground