26 Years a Slave represents the inaugural book-length study of the little-known “Spanish Negroes,” or non-white Spanish-speaking sailors enslaved in colonial North America. Bringing to light their history of slavery and resistance, the book tells the incredible story of the free-born Juan Miranda. Enslaved in New York, Miranda fights an arduous legal battle to win his freedom. His attorney, William Kempe, makes a strong case for his rights and against slavery based on skin color. This well-illustrated account touches on legal history, the War of Jenkins’ Ear, and the so-called “Slave Plot” of 1741.
26 Years a Slave is not just translation of the critically acclaimed publication 26 años de esclavitud as this is a revised enriched version, containing a selection of additional study cases.
The original Spanish edition of this book received the following awards:
Willi Paul Adams Award, Organization of American Historians, Bloomington, Indiana, USA (2023)
Best Academic Themed Book, The 24th International Latino Book Awards, Gold medal, Los Angeles, USA (2022)
The Victor Villaseñor Best Latino Focused Nonfiction Book Award – Spanish or Bilingua, The 24th International Latino Book Awards, Silver medal, Los Angeles, USA (2022)
Best Biography – Spanish or Bilingual, The 24th International Latino Book Awards, Silver medal, Los Angeles, USA (2022)