The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 introduces a new regime for tackling anti-social behaviour. This new work is a practical handbook for all professionals involved in dealing with anti-social behaviour, and builds on the success of the popular Anti-social Behaviour: A Special Bulletin. The 2014 Act makes the following significant changes to available powers and sanctions for anti-social behaviour, including: Civil Injunctions replace Anti-social Behaviour orders (ASBOs). These can be made on the lower civil standard 'on the balance of probabilities', but breach of the new injunction will no longer be a criminal offence. Community protection notice - available for over 16s, breach of which is a criminal offence or fixed penalty notice. Criminal Behaviour Orders replace Post-Conviction Orders (CRASBOs). Public spaces and property - a range of new powers including powers to disperse people from specified locality for up to 48 hours; Public spaces protection order, and Closure Notice. Housing possession - a new controversial ground for mandatory possession for secured/assured tenancies where ASB has been proven by another court. This work provides analysis of the legal framework in which new powers will operate, as well as practical know-how on all aspects of dealing with anti-social behaviour, from formulating protocols and creating multi-agency working groups to preparing and presenting the case in court, and dealing with breaches. In addition to the explanatory commentary numerous practical materials such as draft applications, orders and notices are included, together with the new Home Office Guidance and the relevant statutory provisions as amended.