Studies in speech communication is an attempt to gather representative studies from various sub fields under the immerse research tradition of linguistics and phonetics. This book is another representative of the shared interest in language. The authors are either former or current colleagues and students of Ilkka Raimo to whom Studies in Speech Communications is dedicated. The aim of this book is to show how studies conducted by using different methods and theoretical backgrounds all shed light to the complicated an fashinating questions related to speech. The topics in Studies in Speech Communication vary from explorations of the perceptual system through description of the development of the local research tradition to the modelling of the statistical analyses of complex perceptual experiments. Altogether, these approaches describe the diversity of speech related studies and reveal that speech is of interest to researchers from various academic backgrounds. Studies in Speech Communication is intend to serve as a guide to the various approaches to speech research. It emphasises the multi-disciplinary nature of linguistic and phonetic studies and it demonstrated that- in order to gain a comprehensive picture of the manner in which speech communication functions- collaboration between people and disciplines is needed.