From the funny girls of SimplyShe comes Are You My Boyfriend?, a book for any woman who has braved the wide world of dating. Here are 19 familiar guys we all know and have dated (or hated) at least once in our lives. The book's canny wit sheds light on the recognizable characteristics and behavior patterns of the It's Not You It's Me Guy, But He's Got A Great Personality Guy, Couldn't Be Nicer Guy, Mr. Lady Lover Guy, Are You Gay Guy?, and more. Are You My Boyfriend? is a comical reality chec an essential post-date classification tool, and a must-have impulse gift for friends, girlfriends, co-workers, and even for you.-- Great gift book on a universal topic every woman will identify with-- Perfectly priced for impulse purchasing-- Smartly designed format includes an interactive cover with dial-a-guy wheel-- Features hip, real-life humor in the style of Sex and the City and Bridget Jones's Diary-- 6-copy prepack available