Let old philosophies and follies, truths and errors meet, let old and modern necromancies, sorceries, magic white and black, theories good, bad and indifferent, come forth from their secret lurking places in the crypts of half-forgotten lore, let them come forth and stand front to front with today's inspirations, angel ministries and God's truth revealed in the divine book of nature. Partial Contents: evil spirits and their influences; Chinese spiritism; demoniac possession; Judean obsessions and the actions of demons in Jesus' time; new testament demonism; obsessions of the early Methodists and others; obsessions, tobacco, liquors and haunted gambling dens; psychological crimes; witchcraft and insanity; shall men pray for the dead? can the obsessed be relieved and how? Swedenborg and his obsessing evil spirits; Spiritualism as it is, and the message it has for the world.