Buying any classic car can be an expensive business, and mistakes can prove costly financially and in terms of time, effort and stress. Wouldn't it be great if you could take an expert with you? With the aid of this book's step-by-step guidance from a marque specialist, you can! This book is a complete guide to buying one of these iconic cars secondhand: what to look for (15min and 60min evaluations); spares prices; guides to auctions and paperwork; lists of useful contacts in the FIAT Coupe community; and just as important, consideration of whether it's the right car for you. You'll discover all you need to know about the FIAT Coupe you want to buy, working step-by-step through the car's strengths and weaknesses. This book's unique points system will help you to place the car's value in relation to condition, while extensive photographs illustrate the problems to look out for. This is an important investment - STOP! don't buy a FIAT Coupe without this book's help. One hundred colour photos, useful appendices and expert advice mean this book could save you thousands.