*Detailed assessment of a complex subject, updated to include 300 new color illustrations*While French furniture dominates this work of reference, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polosh, Flemish, Dutch, Russian and Scandinavian examples are also included The sheer range and complexity of the subject of European furniture makes it impossible to adequately evaluate in anything less than this detailed and lavishly illustrated work. Europe in the nineteenth century was a region of great political and industrial change, so it was inevitable that the period would be responsible for a wide variety of different styles. The European furniture scene at this time was dominated by France, where the aspirations of the two Napoleons to recreate France's earlier grandeur helped to promote French fashions all over Europe. In addition, other influences filtered into Europe from Turkey, Africa, and the Far and Middle East, having a notable impact on design and decoration throughout the century. Although this period saw the advent of mass production, it was a highly creative era - often leading to bizzare results, as designers vied to produce new styles.
Each decade also witnessed the manufacture of the excellently crafted and beautifully designed pieces which are so sought after and appreciated today. The original edition of this book has become a standard reference work for auctioneers, dealers and collectors alike. Now significantly revised and expanded, with over 400 new color illustrations, this classic work discusses the complexities of European furniture produced between 1830 and 1910, providing information and insight as well as a visual record of some of the best examples of the period.