We are in times of dire financial crisis worldwide. The truth of the matter is this present crises will unlikely be with this age for generations to come. No one today appears to have the answers or any type of permanent solutions to America and the world economy's crises. However, there is an answer in the Word of God! But all to often the biblical perspectives goes unheeded and unnoticed. Obliviously, the crises we faced are more than crises in an age; it is a crises leading to an Armageddon (as spoken of in biblical scriptures) and the climax of history, as we may now know it. In this book, we shall discuss the financial crises from a biblical point of view and give God's answers and solutions to our crisis. We will provide more than a present answer in these crises, but we shall provide God's point of view for all ages of man and the outlook for men and women who place their reliance and dependence upon the Almighty God in these critical times. This book will discuss the issues of many, Christians and non-Christians views and predictions about the economy and even possibly of a "New World Order " coming and the governments of the earth taking over the financial systems of mankind in the earth. Is the United States taking the lead in establishing a one-world government or a new world order? Are we seeing the emergency hour for world governments to intervene and rule with an iron arm the course of world's events? What is the basic message of Christianity about money? Money's Troubles There's no trouble like money troubles in today's world. Our personal money trouble or others will certainly get our attention in today's world and can hold our attention for a period of time in social gathering or news programs. Money problems and troubles can keep one from sleeping at night. Money troubles can preoccupy our days and affect all our social interactions. In fact, money problems and troubles in the world's financial markets is mostly on everyone mind and in their daily dealings. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul lays out a different economic plan from the way our world sees it. It is the Lordship of Christ and the Divine's Economy of Salvation and all its benefits that preoccupies the mind and spirit of the Apostle Paul and this unlikely kept him up all night in a happy state of mind; even in his Roman prison cell revealing revelation knowledge to an economical bankrupt mankind around him. What the Apostle Paul explains getting ahead in the world of corporate finance with man's selfish ambition, looking to their own interests; we must set aside and abandoned this trend of thinking, explains the Apostle; "one must be given over to a spiritual and simple, godly life grounded in humility and in looking out for the interests of others" (Philippians 2:3-4). And this spiritual and godly mind and life draws on, and shares in the divine economy by which Father (God), Son, and Holy Spirit exists in a mutual relation of eternal bliss. This economy turns the logic of free-market capitalism on its head, for in the God's Divine Economy there is no lack, there is only, "a circulation of gifts, blessings and life flowing from a super-abundance God of love, strength and power to a humanity in need of Divine deliverance." The Church of the Living God expresses the abundance, blessing of life; of a wise and abundance Savior who shares His love with His creation. He is a God who meets every need of His' creation. God is not here to show hate, unforgiving concerns, and respect of person with lack of concern for all His children best.