Korvaava tuote: 9780273695882 Now in its 24th edition, this long-established investment handbook guides you through the the variety of financial products that are now available, to help you make informed choices for your investment and savings strategy.
"...whatever your savings and investment objectives...you should find what you're looking for within these pages."
The unpredictability of today's market together with the ever-increasing range of investment vehicles makes careful consideration of how and where to invest even more important. Of course today, the investment possibilities and potential are endless. So, knowing how to manage and where to place your savings for successful and secure returns isn't always easy.
Now in its 24th edition, this long-established investment handbook guides you through the variety of financial products that are now available to help you make informed choices for your investment and savings strategy.
Fully revised and updated to incorporate the latest legislation, the Zurich Investment & Savings Handbook 2003/2004 (formerly the Allied Dunbar Investement & Savings Handbook) highlights and discusses the significant changes in the law and the impact these changes will have on your investment and savings.
New to this edition:
- in-depth consideration of "what now" following the loss of people's appetite for the stock market
- with interest rates close to an all-time low - ideas for where savers might look to invest
- impact and effect of changes from the 2003 Finance Act and Budget
- detailed commentary on the "ups and downs" of the stockmarket and stockmarket investments
- investment solutions to solve the ever-widening savings gap
- the impact of new and emerging critical issues in investment and savings (for example, the impact of people living longer coupled with lower annuity rates)