From the co-author of Fish!, a powerful new management parable that gives you the secret to motivating peopleWhat happens when you, as a manager, discover that you're the cause of poor performance? Fish! Co-author Harry Paul teams up with renowned business psychologist Ross Reck to reveal techniques that will help you overcome common behavioural obstacles and reach ever-increasing levels of success in today's workplace. These techniques include ways to engage employees, control negative emotions, and develop a contagious positive attitude that will spread through your company.
Revved! tells the story of Katie, a department head at MedSol who, with the help of a popular Chicago radio psychologist, learns how to reconnect emotionally with her people and turn a disorganised, under-motivated department into a supercharged team of go-getters. In the process, Katie also learns how to revitalise both her personal and professional life, and plan new avenues to greater success.
Key features
The Fish! series has sold more than a million copies worldwide and has been translated into 34 languagesPaul's breakthrough approach has been proven at top companies, including Wal-Mart, American Express and Southwest AirlinesThe simple but powerful lessons introduced in Revved! help managers inject passion, energy, and team spirit into even the most dysfunctional department or team