The theme of Science, Technology and Development in Southern Africa, and East and Central Asia is threefold. The first component concerns the proposition that no underdeveloped nation will be empowered to meet the needs and aspirations of its citizens without the adoption of advancing Science & Technology. The adoption of S & T processes by examining the questions of political leadership initiation in Botswana and Singapore is explored in chapters one and two.
Component number two engages what is widely regarded as potentially the most enabling cluster of advanced technologies for development in the South: information technologies (IT). Articles three through five take up IT and development in Malaysia, South Africa, South Korea and Namibia.
The final component discusses the crucial subject of technology transfer by comparing Japan’s technology transfer to Southeast Asia and Southern Africa.
Contributors are James Bozeman, Jong-Ho Kim, Takahashi Motoki, Meera Nanda, Rubin Patterson, Sakano Taichi, Ernest J. Wilson III, and William Wresch.