J2EE from Sun Microsystems is the set of standards and technologies thatallows developers to create Java applications for the enterprise. It is nearlyimpossible to memorize all the available class libraries and applicationprogramming interfaces (APIs). This poster gives the serious Java programmera four-color, visually appealing, and comprehensive view of the classes in theJava(tm) 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, version 1.4.The poster is thorough. There are a total of 357 public classes and interfaceswithin the 21 packages in this first release of the platform. For each package, allof the classes and interfaces in the package are displayed, showing theirrelationships to each other. If a class subclasses a class from another package orif a class implements an interface from another package, these "foreign" classesand interfaces are also shown. Foreign classes and interfaces are marked insuch a way as to easily determine which package they actually belong to. Alsoindicated is whether each class is final or abstract. The end result is anincredibly unique and supremely useful poster that Java programmers will beproud to hang on their walls.