Korvaava tuote: 9780672335440 SamsTeachYourself
Linkedln® in 10 Minutes
Sams Teach Yourself Linkedln® in 10 Minutes offers straightforward, practical answers when you need fast results. Learn everything you need to know to quickly and easily generate solid results on LinkedIn.
Tips point out shortcuts and solutions
Cautions help you avoid common pitfalls
Notes provide additional information
Plain English explains new terms and
Category: Internet
Covers: LinkedIn
User Level: Beginning
10 minutes is all you need to learn how to…
Create a LinkedIn profile that generates results
Find jobs, consulting opportunities, partners, and clients
Enhance your visibility to an audience of millions
Promote your services as a LinkedIn service provider
Develop a streamlined approach for managing contacts
Customize LinkedIn for maximum effectiveness and productivity
Use LinkedIn Answers and Groups for research and marketing
Extend the power of LinkedIn with third-party applications and tools
Give and receive professional recommendations
Recruit job candidates
Access LinkedIn from mobile devices
Advertise on LinkedIn
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