Surveys the forty-year career of Carl Walters (1883-1955), a pioneer of modern ceramic art in the United States.
Drawing on the first major exhibition of Carl Walters in over sixty years, this catalogue includes an extensive critical essay by curator Tom Wolf and an additional essay by modern ceramics expert Adrienne Spinozzi. The catalogue places Walters (1883–1955) within the context of development of ceramic arts in Woodstock over two generations ago, from the Byrdcliffe Guild in the early twentieth century to the younger modernists who worked in the Maverick in the 1920s and 1930s. Spanning a career that lasted over forty years, this fully illustrated catalogue features approximately thirty prime examples of Walters's witty and original three-dimensional ceramic figures as well as a selection of works on paper from private and public collections in the Northeast. Perhaps best known for his creation of the glass panels on the doors of the original Whitney Museum of American Art, Walters was unusual in that he made both functional objects and independent ceramic sculptures.