When you come right down to it, sex is easier done than said; so too with matters of the toilette. Limited to a few choice four-letter slang words? Know little of the word origins of curse words? Stumble as to their proper usage? Lack elegant substitutes for dirty sex talk? Here at last are the dirty words you need - words and more words: Slang words, rich and colorful; euphemisms, flowery, arcane, and remote; quaint sexual terms rescued from English past. All are suggestive of the romanticism, cynicism, violence, and humor with which the actors, the parts, and the act itself have been viewed through the centuries. Traveling where few etymologists have gone before, Lawrence Paros now makes it possible to master the sexual lexicons. Combining a study of street-talk, with a survey of history, poetry, drama, and the great works of Western literature, Bawdy Language delves both into the word origins of curse words and phrases and the wide variety of synonyms for them. Here at last is the book that will show you how to talk dirty, yet command respect. No longer must your prurient thoughts remain inelegantly expressed. Add erudition and class to your gutter talk by mastering the argot. Remember, obscenity by itself is the last refuge of the vulgarian and the crutch of the inarticulate.