"Stewart Parker was a playwright whose sense of history and elegance of wit and feeling were unusual in the British Theatre" (Observer) This volume includes four plays: Spokesong 'A dazzling play that combines warmth of sentiment with great emotional strength and intellectual playfulness ...a gorgeously rich play' (New York Post); Catchpenny Twist: 'The most appealing thing about Parker's work is the ease with which he blends lunatic humour with a gritty sense of reality. He's done it before in Spokesong and he does it again in this hard, ribald and hilarious little play' (Sunday Times); Nightshade: 'A rare delight ...A mixture of experiment, inventiveness, wit, sheer theatricality, obscure motifs and elements that are deeply moving ...It is a highly complex play; there is no story that is told in sequence, no meaning that can be easily grasped. But as theatre it is superb' (Hibernia); Pratt's Fall: 'A delicate, unusual and rather beautiful vehicle ...a fascinating and delightful entertainment ...Parker's chosen approach is to tackle serious themes - often related to the experience of his native Northern Ireland - through a kind of lyrical comedy, deceptively lightweight, fast-moving, and slightly surreal' (Sunday Standard)