Using Dan Brown's book as a jumping off point, Inferno Revealedwill provide readers of Brown's Inferno with an engaging introduction to Dante and his world. Much like the books on Leonardo that followed the release of the Da Vinci Code, this book will provide readers with more information about the ever-intriguing Dante. Specifically, Inferno Revealed explores how Dante made himself the protagonist of The Divine Comedy, something no other epic poet has done, amovefor which theramifications have not yet been fully explored. The mysteries and puzzles that arise from Dante's choice to personalize the epic, along with hisaffinityforhis local surroundingsand how thataffects his depiction of the places, Church, and politics in the poem are considered - along withwhat thisreveals about Brown's own usage of the work. Theauthors will focus on and analyze how Dan Brown has repurposed Inferno in his newest book - noting what he gets right and what errors are made when he does not. Of course, Dan Brown is not the first author to base his work on Dante.
The Comedy has elicited many adaptations from major canonical writers such as Milton and Keats to popular adaptationslike David Fincher's Se7en and Tim Burton's Beetlejuice - all of which will be discussed in detail withinInferno Revealed.