In Philosophy of the Nest, eminent Korean philosopher and poet Park Ynhui encapsulates decades of scholarship as he traces the world history of philosophy from his original perspective. The author, previously published in the West as Park Yee-mun, a nom de plume, follows an overarching vein in the history of philosophy and introduces readers to the meanings behind many ideas, especially the concept of the 'onto-semantical matrix.' Through his engaging, ground-breaking narrative Park offers us a fresh look at the history of philosophy as the world has read so far. Here the onto-semantical matrix serves as a universal measure by which that new perspective is presented to help the readerunderstand and assess all worldviews, the traditional core assertions and discourses of religion, philosophy and science.At another level, Park's work in Philosophy of the Nest also represents intellect and thought in Korea through the years and in our time.Park Ynhui was born in 1930 in Asan, South Korea's Chungcheongnamdo province.He graduated from the Department of French Literature at Seoul National University, subsequently earning a doctorate in French literature atthe Sorbonne, France, and a doctorate in philosophy at the University of Southern California, USA.
Park Ynhui has occupied numerous academic positions, including as a professor of French literature at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, professor of philosophy at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, professor of philosophy at Simmons College, senior researcher in philosophy at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, visiting professor at the International Christian University in Tokyo and at the University of Mainz, and as an honorary professor at Pohang University of Science and Technology. Park Ynhui has published more than 100 books on poetry, philosophy and other topics, several of which have beentranslated into English, French or German.
Translated by: Mingoo Lee
Series edited by: Sajid Rizvi