Go Back and Be Happy - A devastating brain injury left Julie at the gates of heaven ...
An Oldmobile, driven by a teenager, crushed Julie's little sports car and left her in a coma, with an extremely severe brain stem injury. She finds herself at heaven's door, where she meets her two grandmothers. She steps eagerly forward, but her grandmothers tell her to return to her body. "I don't belong here yet. It isn't my time." After a month she wakes to find herself trapped in a paralysed body. An athlete, she finds the helplessness almost unbearable, but is sustained by her memory of heaven. Julie describes her painful but remarkable recovery - she ran a 5k race just five years later, and in 2007 completed a triathlon. Her spiritual journey to a rich and satisfying faith helps her to find true happiness, which she now shares with thousands.