Over the last few years, increasing attention has been focused on the development of children's acquisition of 21st-century skills and digital competences. Consequently, many education scholars have argued that teaching technology to young children is vital in keeping up with 21st-century employment patterns. Technologies, such as those that involve robotics or coding apps, come at a time when the demand for computing jobs around the globe is at an all-time high while its supply is at an all-time low. There is no doubt that coding with robotics is a wonderful tool for learners of all ages as it provides a catalyst to introduce them to computational thinking, algorithmic thinking, and project management. Additionally, recent studies argue that the use of a developmentally appropriate robotics curriculum can help to change negative stereotypes and ideas children may initially have about technology and engineering.
The Handbook of Research on Using Educational Robotics to Facilitate Student Learning is an edited book that advocates for a new approach to computational thinking and computing education with the use of educational robotics and coding apps. The book argues that while learning about computing, young people should also have opportunities to create with computing, which have a direct impact on their lives and their communities. It develops two key dimensions for understanding and developing educational experiences that support students in engaging in computational action: (1) computational identity, which shows the importance of young people's development of scientific identity for future STEM growth; and (2) digital empowerment to instill the belief that they can put their computational identity into action in authentic and meaningful ways. Covering subthemes including student competency and assessment, programming education, and teacher and mentor development, this book is ideal for teachers, instructional designers, educational technology developers, school administrators, academicians, researchers, and students.