Designed as an effective medical curriculum management tool in accordance with the competency based new undergraduate curriculum. The new curriculum mandates that the students must be encouraged to reflect on what they have learnt, identify the correct diagnostic approach, think about lacunae in their learning and improve upon it.
This log book is more than a biodata or a glorified attendance record. It includes essential information for the students-entire MBBS program, phase-wise distribution of subjects and marks, teaching hours allotted to each subject and the examination schedule. There are record sheets for daily assessment to reflect what the student has learnt from the sessions held during foundation course in the first month after admission.
MCI has devoted 175 hours to the foundation course-30 hours for Orientation of the students to college, campus and to revised MBBS curriculum, 35 hours for Skills module, 8 hours for Field visits, 40 hours for Language and Computer skills, 22 hours for Sports and Extracurricular activity and 40 hours for Professional Development including Ethics. This log book also contains details of Electives capsule, sheets for Attendance record, Assessment of entire 8 terms during the entire MBBS course. The students are instructed to fill in their log book.
Comprehensive log book for MBBS foundation course.
In accordance with competency based new curriculum as per MCI.
Provides essential information about the entire MBBS program and examination schedule.
Phase-wise distribution of subjects.
Teaching hours allotted to each subject and the marks distribution.
Section on Foundation Course, including orientation, skill module, field visits, professional developments (ethics), language and computer skills, and sports and extracurricular activities.
Also contains electives capsule, record sheets for daily assessment and attendance to ""reflect"" what the student has learnt from the session.