This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
The Journey to Meaning: Comprehension and Critique is a a one-stop resource for turning the Common Core State Standards into meaningful instruction and learning—a rich day-to-day, step-by-step guide on how to implement the Common Core State Standards for English language arts in the areas of comprehension and critique, the meaning building that is so essential for growing readers and writers, and how to ensure that all students are core ready. It is a book for teachers, administrative leaders, literacy coaches, ELL specialists, special educators, media specialists, reading teachers, content area teachers, professors and students of education. Included are strategies and skills for comprehending, critiquing, and composing literary text as outlined in the Common Core State Standards.
Visit to purchase access to the PDToolkit for Pam Allyn's Core Ready Series. The PDToolkit access does not come with the print book.
PDToolkit for Pam Allyn's Core Ready Series is a supplemental online subscription-based resource that provides the tools that educators need to implement the Common Core Standards effectively, fluidly, and successfully. The PDToolkit, together with the texts, provides the tools you need to ensure a standards-aligned year of joyful, effective, research-based literacy curriculum.