Virtual set an exciting new technology opening enormous possibilities for filmmakers aiming to develop cinematic worlds. Current film industry has explored with enthusiasm all those digital environments impossible to stage by the earlier production design technologies. Katriina Pajunen’s Immersed in Illusion – An Ecological Approach to the Virtual set focuses on this topics questioning, how it possible we are betrayed by the digital imagery to the amount we believe them to be real? The new angle to this question is offered by the Ecological Psychology. The research shows, how the virtual set is a new kind of illusion, that gains it strength by the fact it is in movement. This different from to those older illusion technologies posing still landscapes or frozen environments. Pajunen’s work is the ground breaking work on digital illusion and productions design. It opens a insightful view to understand, how the virtual set functions as the fictional world of film the spectator can immerse in to.