JUDICIAL PUZZLES. Gathered from the State Trials. CY JOHN PAGET, ESQ., - 1876. - These uclrratives and reviews of five most in- teresting State trials were pulblished in Black- woocls JIagazine in 1859-60, and subsequently reprinted, among other contributions of the same author, in a volume entitled C Paradoxes and Puzzles. The publishers present this American edition with the belief that it will prove attractive to general readers as well as the legal profession and adcl a pleasant variety to the series of LEGAL RECATIONS. January, 1856. CONTENTS . ........................................ .................................... ................................ .................... ............................. Her story 10-20 Henry Fielding 20 Sir Crispe Gascoyne 27 Conriction of Squires and Wells 27 Conviction of Canning 35 .TRI.Y. OF THE PEIZTS FOI JIURDEIZ OF Rsxnrsox . ................................ Chipping Campden 37 Justice Shallow and Will Squele .................... 38 Disappearance of Rarrison .......................... 39 Confession of John Perry ........................... 41 Trial and executioi of Joan, Richard. and John Perry . 43 Return of IIarrison ................................ 44 His narrative ...................................... 4-4 Confessions ........................................ 51 Uania for self-accusation ................ I .......... 51 Con-pe-r.t.hepoet ................................... 51 Case at Calais ..................................... 53 Corlfession of thc witches ........................... 52 Isabel Gomdie. Janet Breadheid ..................... 53 Modern cases ...................................... GO Samuel TJTall...................................... GO Mutiny of the Zertnioe 65 ........................... .......................... ........................ JIarriage of Lord Altham 69 Appearance of the claimant 70 173 8 COXTENTS . lIia trial fur murder. and acquittal .................. 71 IIad Lady Altham ever had a child ................ Tho household at Dunmaine ........................ 73 73 Contradict. ory evidenee 74-81 ............................. 13vide1lce of Palliser. Josn Laffttn. and Jlary 13eath . . 7 8 Iidnapping of Jnmes Annesley ..................... S4 Colitradictory verdicts .............................. 85. S6 Her funeral ....................................... 87 Her trial .......................................... 89-96 Reasons for believing her guilty .................... 37 Rule of law preventing accused from giving cvidsce . 100 Ilconsistenuy of the rule ........................... 101 Evils of the rule ................................... 101 IIatches case ..................................... 108 Plummcra case .................................... 103 Case of Squires .................................... 104 Cannings case .................................... 104 Suggested alteratioi of the rule ..................... 104 The Xoad Murder 10G ................................... ....................................... Comper ....................... ....... .................................. ................................. defensc .................................. ................. ................ Ssrah Stout Charaetcr of Specer IIis trial r TValkcrs evidence Cowcrs Finding of t.he body of Snrah Stout Lord 3facaulays aecourlt of the trial lIia nisrepresentations of factsand distortion of evidencc ........................................... The Quzrkers ....................................... TVilliam Trtllack ................................... Lord iIacalay, q UIISIIIIOIIY trcttlcnt of faets a dangerous wcapon ............................... ISIight bc easily turncd against hirnsclf .............. ELIZABETH C-G. Every one has hearcl of the case of Elizabeth Can- ning...